Shiran Sabra, owner of Two Moon Paradise, is gorgeous in her red gown. She had a special idea for universal LOVE Day - to generate cash for kisses. Haha. I mean, think about all the money that is spent by guys to keep their partners happy, and maybe vice versa. What is the value of a kiss anyway? LOL. I am teasing, but Shiran has this idea to make kisses count for something very very special - yes even more special. Kisses for a little Linden Love this Valentine's Day can go a long way to help Cancer research. Two Moon Paradise had four hours of dj entertainment, free drinks and roses, and plenty of kisses - in fact so many kisses, TMP raised 15K more than anticipated for its fundraising drive, with a final total of 25,000 Lindens. And a lot of that was from the kissing booth.
So that's a lot of love.
Two*Moon*Paradise, Always the best names in live music, so be sure to join their group or just drop by.
February 19th, its Damien Carbenell (6PM SLT) and The Follow (7PM SLT) at Coconut Rock.