Whoooooooosh. The first weekend of December came in like a flurry on the grid - a flurry of snowflakes and winter fun at Two Moon Paradise. The music warmed the chill in the air. The day kicked in with BOSL DJ CottonCandy Teardrop heating up the venue, Two Moon Paradise, with dance favorites. She performed on stage near the edge of the ice rink. Surrounded by snowman, sleigh rides and winter fun, attendees danced and many participated in the snowflake treasure hunt for prizes. Check out
The BOSL blog for earlier photos!
Evening brought live music to the main stage, amidst holiday ribbons, Christmas trees and hollies, and the beautiful people of Second Life wearing their seasonal outfits. The live music began at 5PM SLT, with the charming Gabryel Nayokia and continued with the sultry Mummaluv Skytower (even the icecycles began to melt). On stage, as part of Mummaluv's music ministry, were Diawa Bellic, Ormand Lionheart, Mozy Pera, TeuffelHunde Mandelkorn, Speedmaster Bing, and Rachael Young. The night concluded with the impressive 3-person band, rock/alternative The Follow (AJ Darkwatch on bass, Powers Avon on drums, and Troy Shoreland on guitar). The photos capture the spirit of the day! Two Moon Paradise Owner Shiran Sabra is shown above in the gray ski cardigan (day outfit) and her lovely green gown for the evening events.
Two Moon Paradise