May is winding down, and I had an opportunity to attend an amazing show with Blueron Clyburn. He's one of the many musicians planning to attend the Chicago Jam from June 22 to 24. Catch some of your favorite Second Life performers jamming for you in real life - and enjoy all the fun! The event is organized and founded by SL's Anek Fuchs and Gina Stella.
* * * As a quick side note, I also compiled some photos from some of the May shows on the grid that I didn't have a chance to blog - maybe you were there - I blogged them here on Soni Songs.
I also show some photos from Freestar Tammas' show last night.
She is an incredible talent, and joins the rank of so many top notch SL women singers like SweetLilly and AMForte (and others like Gina Stella not featured this time around).
Now back to the very blue Blueron Clyburn. Blue (teal?) is his color as he adorns his lovely Merm-man fins. He performed live yesterday at Two Moon Paradise's underwater venue. It was my first time "underwater" at Two Moon, and my first time as a mermaid. TPM is a great complex for live music and special events.
I invited Belinda Barnes to join me, and she readily was prepared, changing into something more appropriate for the event, looking lovely as always. I slipped on my Purple Moon "mesh" mermaid gown that I purchased a couple of weeks ago and fitted it underwater as I listened to Blue. (The thing about mesh is you are never truly nakey, just invisible, you gotta love that. No one noticed.)
All eyes were fixated on Blue at the piano. Topless (with nothing but bubbles), he didn't miss a beat. And his fins kept rhythm, I imagine.
Blue is wonderful at interpreting songs his way, and he's been around quite awhile as a performer in Second Life, and much longer in real life. From New York to New Orleans, and back and then some.
Catch him finless in Chicago soon. Tell him hi from Soni, because I will be in his neck of the woods, outside New York while he entertains ya'll in my home state. Go figure!
a virtual disc jockette on the grid and host of "Slow Bake" featuring Second Life musicians
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Roger visits Duran Duran Universe
BOSL Radio takes a break for two weekends (at least on Saturdays!), and we will be back this upcoming Saturday. But you know the music scene doesn't stop. Lots of live music, and that is my specialty, at least the playing of the finest among the grid talent on my radio show Slow Bake. I mused, what should I do with my free Saturday, and then like magic an announcement dropped down from Duran Duran Universe's SL Manager Chrissy Welinder - 'Roger Moore would be doing a dj set that afternoon.' So I dragged (quite easily my best friend/SL partner) Belinda Barnes to DDU to the arena at the Azizi Lipstick Tower.
The crowd cheered and applauded the amazing set, as Roger mixed the band's tunes with awesome creativity. Vixie Durant was enjoying the show, and you might remember her as a DDU DJ among other venues! Here's some photos - join the DDU in-world group to keep up to date - for you never when one of the DD members might pop into SL.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Get Ready...
Two Events This Weekend!!!!
BOSL Radio streaming live from The Blues and Folk Festival. Details on WhatsUpSoni! And Radio Riel streaming live from NeoVictoria...
Friday, May 4, 2012
Listening to the sweet vocals of Key Drammond at My Wish at Fire Bay, strummin' Pure Prairie League's Aimee. He also does a great Neil Young set. He understands his voice, and is on the money with his selections. So many songs that you usually don't hear on the grid makes his show additionally enjoyable and unique. Expect Air Supply, Crosby, Stills & Nash, and songs of a similar nature.
Before that, I popped in on the amazing Blair Bond at Skinny Dip Inn (just sayin' but no pics this time, I could have caught him in his swimsuit, but I passed). But the crowd was lovin' him! He was one of the great SL artists that I feature on my Saturday SL music show - SLOW Bake on BOSL Radio, 11am SLT.
Award-winning vocalist Antonio Galloway at Bella Vida kept the audience entertained with his light humor and swoon tunes. I wasn't sure what was going on with the outfit, but I am thinking Star Wars tribute here. I dropped in late, and must have missed the memo. LOL.
Lest I forget, I did catch the talented Sunshine Palmry this week at Forest Walkers. Beautifully talented woman!
That takes us to the weekend. Be sure to join BOSL Radio Saturday on Le Cafe Des Artistes...
Also this weekend, help BOSL Radio support a great cause - The Ashraya Project!
BOSL Radio will be broadcasting nearby!
Hope to see you! : ) Soni
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Happy 2! Takin' it to the Roof!
The Roof@NYC turned two on May Day! I dropped by for a moment and ended up inviting Belinda (above) and we stayed the evening! It just never stopped being good!
Nothing terrible about being two years old. Lingual Markus was not only the guest of honor but the host of this talented line-up. 
Cricket helped greet the audience, with so many dropping by to wish Lingual well - but stayed for the great line-up. PM Bookmite started up the night, then Strat, Voodoo (with Mulder Watts showing up to jam), followed by Amforte, and finishing up with Loreen. Let the photos tell the rest of the story.
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