Fortunately, we have Second Life, lol, as summer winds down for many of us. My business partner, Lowe Runo (Machinima Artist Guild founder), created a small hangout along the beach outside of our office building. Here's just a few pics of me admiring his work. He made it for his old, new, and soon-to-be friends because he said to me, that the machinima business should be fun. The hangout is adjacent to our outside classroom/auditorium. So much fun stuff here, dancing disks, crazy animations, and cool people (if I say so myself). Look around. Hey, what else would expect from a machinima enterprise and a eccentric machinima man! Be sure to say hi to our neighbor, Kara, too!
Drop by Lowe Runo Productions on the Island of Fame, and say hi, dance, explore, explode, or chill.