Sunday, May 29, 2016

Remember to Remember, SL Music is One Way

Remember to remember today!  Today in the US is a weekend of commemoration. It is typically dedicated to those who died in war, but some extend that sentiment to all those who have passed on, and left us here to our memories.  Collectively, so many have contributed to our daily lives, particularly for those who have been blessed with good mentors.  Some come into virtual worlds like Second Life, and create their own families to fill or complement their needs and desires.

I am not going to commemorate or even celebrate war here today.  Conflict comes in many forms, and there is always a cost to any freedom.  I know many people have given their life on behalf of civil rights.   Those struggles continue today.    Some of our struggles might seem small to others, but for each of us, there are burdens we need to put behind us.  Ghosts that bind us to the past.  Reflect on what has been, honor those who have contributed, and look toward the future.

This weekend, I say let's create memories as well  - honoring those trying to make a difference in our lives, from social justice, health care, to love for one another on every level.   In all our differences, may we cherish the diversity that makes us unique.   May we seek our commonalities rather than what separates us.

Music is a connecting force that has the power to unite us, and to bring us together into communities of hope.  May we even find ways to learn about each other through our various musical preferences, and let not that divide us either.

Let us remember those who have lived before us, and let us hope they have lived well - and truly say they have spent their life as a positive contribution in their own way, be it small or grand.

And remember, you can make a difference in Second Life, too - real people are impacted by what you do and say - and even sing!

Here's to our memories, sad and sweet.    Here's to summer on its way.
Let's make some memories! 

Join me for my radio show, Slow Bake, at noon SLT!
Belinda (top photo) is my host.   I feature a mix of songs from SL musicians, who perform (or have performed) in our virtual venues across this vast grid.  This is my 6th year doing so!

SL Live Radio,
Slow Bake is hosted by SL Live Radio, most Sundays (12-2pm SLT)

DJ Studio,
Set your land in-world,