Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Xara Fiasco at Kyle's Meatspace

One of my favorite places to just chill and listen is The Meatspace Piano Lounge, owned by Kyle Bronsdon.  I believe it was Belinda (Barnes-Fitzroy) that got me hooked (pictured near me).   Kyle took a break this week, and this was a rare occasion for him to hand over the microphone and his piano.  Xara Fiasco was a wonderful addition.  What an amazing voice!   She had a mix of covers and originals, and she made the "covers" come alive with her unique sultry style. 

Her wit and honesty brought us laughter, and she admitted to being a little nervous.  Not that we could tell!   The lyrics rolled from her lips smoothly with strong vocals that are telling of her long career ahead.  She like Kyle creates magic on the piano.
We hope Xara will return soon for another brilliant performance.   (Yet we are wonderfully content with Kyle!  Also look for him on Facebook.)
Join Kyle and the gang Tuesdays at 7:30 PM SLT at Meatspace!  He is an extremely talented
performer, well versed in storytelling via his songs.  Exceptional on the piano.  See you there, Tuesdays! 

For now, off the grid - Sonicity