Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Olympics at the DDU

The Olympics at the Duran Duran Universe, really! Why not? Duran Duran is performing as part of the Olympics - BT London Live Opening Ceremony Concert at Hyde Park Friday, July 27th. So DDU Machinimatographer JJccc Coronet filmed some "sports clips" from inside the mad mad world of Second Life to be presented as part of the video mix during the concert. The call for Duranees to come out only said - wear some kind of sports clothes. It was sort of fantasy and virtual world meets The Olympics. Jj's machinima captures it all. I am sure he will release a machinima soon - he's a madman when it comes to producing them! At one point, Bel got into a boxing match with the filmmaker! Not sure who won, but Bel ended up with a shiner!  [UPDATE:  MACHINIMA HERE - Bel makes her first appearance at 6:30, and then again around 7:53 for her boxing match, and runs about 90 seconds off and on, building in intensity.]

It was great fun, organized by DDU Community Manager Chrissy Welinder. Hope you had an opportunity to come out to DDU for the shooting early Saturday morning, and the later party in the afternoon.

Reporting Live from The Duran Duran Universe's Khanada Park Chaos Sports Arena.  - :) Soni