Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy 2! Takin' it to the Roof!

The Roof@NYC turned two on May Day!  I dropped by for a moment and ended up inviting Belinda (above) and we stayed the evening!  It just never stopped being good!
Nothing terrible about being two years old.  Lingual Markus was not only the guest of honor but the host of this talented line-up.
Cricket helped greet the audience, with so many dropping by to wish Lingual well - but stayed for the great line-up. PM Bookmite started up the night, then Strat, Voodoo (with Mulder Watts showing up to jam), followed by Amforte, and finishing up with Loreen.   Let the photos tell the rest of the story.

Happy Anniversary to The Roof! NYC - I think everyone has fallen in love with the live music!

Lovely Loreen wound down the celebration brilliantly with her charming accent...
