Monday, May 28, 2012

Roger visits Duran Duran Universe

BOSL Radio takes a break for two weekends (at least on Saturdays!), and we will be back this upcoming Saturday.  But you know the music scene doesn't stop.   Lots of live music, and that is my specialty, at least the playing of the finest among the grid talent on my radio show Slow Bake.   I mused, what should I do with my free Saturday, and then like magic an announcement dropped down from Duran Duran Universe's SL Manager Chrissy Welinder - 'Roger Moore would be  doing a dj set that afternoon.'   So I dragged (quite easily my best friend/SL partner) Belinda Barnes to DDU to the arena at the Azizi Lipstick Tower.

The crowd cheered and applauded the amazing set, as Roger mixed the band's tunes with awesome creativity.  Vixie Durant was enjoying the show, and you might remember her as a DDU DJ among other venues!   Here's some photos - join the DDU in-world group to keep up to date - for you never when one of the DD members might pop into SL.