Monday, November 15, 2010

All Day Women's Concert At Minerva

Sunday November 14th, Minerva in Second Life was host to an all day women's concert. Several women showcased their musical talent from folk classics to Classical music throughout the day. The concert was made possible by a AAUW grant to the Women's Studies program of Ohio State University. Here's a few pics of the opening act - Naftali Torok.

The key organizer of the music events was Kate Miranda. Kate also moderated a forum on music and music making in Second Life. It provided a overview for those new to Second Life on the creative process involved in virtual performance.

Artists included: Naftali Torok (Holland), Christine Montgomery (UK), Atheene Dodonpa (Finland), Miriam Forsythe (USA), Cindi Ecksol (USA), Haruno Watanabe (Japan & USA), and Izabela Jaworower (Poland and USA, photo second to bottom). Christine was among those circle dancing with me during Naftali's performance of European folk classics.

Let's hear it for the women!

:) Soni