Saturday, October 23, 2010


After a night of live music, I ended up at Apokalyptika Dance Club at

Before that I went to hear DirtyDee Sweetwater at The Drunken Drow. Very cool performance, packed house, and this talented musican offers unique interpretative blends to some classics. A must hear! He's soooo smooth. I caught him at the friendly Drunken Drow at

And where did I start my night but at Trax Music Resources Center, run by musican Bones Writer, who joined together with one of the grid favs' Lance Rembrandt.
So that is Bones Writer (immediately above). So all in all, I caught some amazing musicians on the grid this week. Just a few to share with you from my romp about the live music scene.

And special thanks for Lazarus Doghouse for giving me tips on some great musicans. Laz, as I have noted before, is must to check out - check your SL live music events calendar for his show dates.

Catch you on the grid! Say hi to me -:) Soni