Today's featured artist on SL Bake will be Voodoo Shilton. I will be playing selected songs from his live performance at After Dark on November 1st - and of course all your regular SL fav musicians, too!
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After the festivities of last weekend, it seems that November started off for me as a whirlwind of things to distract me and keep me busy. How about you? So much to do, but I managed to snap a few pics of the music scene as the hallowed spirits exited and the saints entered, with November 1st being all Saints Day, of course. Music and autumn leaves spun around the grid.

November 1st, I popped into Second Life late, missing the wonderfully talented Phemie Alcott! But arrived in time to catch all of Voodoo's show. I purchased his recording of the full hour of his live performance. I listened to it this week (pretty cool!), and will pay excerpts during my SL Live Radio Show, SLOW BAKE. It is only a one-time deal during a particular show (if he is recording live, he will have a vendor and notecard that you can click for info). It is well worth the Lindens to capture the moment of the performance. Rara Destiny put on a great show after Voodoo, so she is a must hear on the grid. I have only one song from her that I can play, and do wear it out! It was a great night -- After Dark!
Voodoo Shilton |
Rara Destiny |
Skye Galaxy sighting |
Skye is performing November and December in Second Life. |
A couple days later, Kara Trapdoor (of Kara's Korner, SL Adventures) IM'ed me, saying 'you must hear this guy' and the rest is history. Gary Jonstones breathes country music - check him out.
Gary Jonstone @ Picadilly |
And if you haven't already, you need to absorb the coolness of this next musician, with Neil Young vibes emanating from his persona. I'm referring to the one and only Key Drammond, 2015 SL AVI Choice Finalist in the category 'Favorite Acoustic Singer.' Check him out on Sound Cloud, YouTube, etc.
TRAX Listening Booth: Trax (138,94,27)
Key Drammond @ Woodstock
See you around the grid. - Soni
SL Live Radio,
DJ Studio, Misty Falls,
Set your land in-world,